Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Blog Re-Start

There were 71 posts here before today that I've hidden that were written between May 1, 2007 and May 13, 2011.  (There must be something about May that makes me feel especially bloggy...)  I haven't hidden them because they weren't good (they may or may not have been) or because I'm ashamed of them; I just think that it's time to start over.  In so many ways, my life is different than it was then.  I embrace the person I was then (she was funny! And oh, so smart!) and all that I had to say - which is why I've just hidden them and not deleted them - but I am different and life is different, and everyone gets to start over when they want to.

So here we are.

I've been feeling the pull to write lately, and I figure there's no better place than right here.  I want to write to be funny and creative; thought provoking and pensive.  I want to write with no pressure to be anything but what I'm feeling at the moment, no pressure to write to any certain length or topic.  I just want to be able to write and encourage myself to do so on a regular basis, and this is where that shall happen, starting today.